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Auditions: Dress to impress!
Do you think your outfit isn't important at auditions? Think again!
1. First impressions count
We all know this is true - so give your outfit the thought it deserves. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
2. Avoid head-to-toe black
Yes it is 'safe' but you are an artist.
3. What kind of character are you going for?
Can your outfit give a nod to that character, helping the panel to see you in the role? If you are going for a boy role, adopting a more androgynous look may just give you the edge over an equally good singer who goes in dressed like Jessica Rabbit.
Just a nod will do the trick. Turing up to your ‘Cunning little vixen’ audition in a fox onesie might just be pushing it.
4. Plan your outfit well in advance
Make sure it is washed, ironed, still fits and is ready to go the night before. Then you don't waste valuable energy emptying the contents of your wardrobe looking for something vaguely suitable on the morning of your audition.
5. Think about your footwear
Make sure your (clean) shoes or boots not only go with your outfit but that you can also sing/walk in them.
Want a vampy look but aren't so good in six inch platforms? Hunt around for a stable but effective alternative. Be memorable for the right reasons!
6. Feel comfortable in what you wear
Ensure you are wearing and working your outfit and that it is not wearing you. Not everyone can get away with dressing up as a piece of streaky bacon or as a nun.