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Company Spotlight: Regents Opera
Today we are delighted to welcome conductor and pianist Ben Woodward to shine our latest Company Spotlight on Regents Opera.
Ben Woodward setup Regents Opera (formerly Fulham Opera) over ten years ago and in the last decade he and his dedicated team have taken this company from strength to strength.
1. How do you describe Regents Opera?
I'd like to think that we're now the leaders of fringe opera in the UK, whatever fringe opera actually is!
2. What is the ethos of Regents Opera?
Professionalism certainly, but we also try to promote/push people who perhaps haven't been "found" by the industry so far. We also have something of a motto/history of "big operas in an intimate setting", which I quite like.
3. What has been one of the most memorable and rewarding experiences for Regents Opera?
I think the most rewarding experience has actually been our growth over the past ten years. We did a Ring with piano and a few instruments in 2014 and now we're doing another one with orchestra, gaining national press coverage. I'm really pleased with how it's gone up in people's estimations.
4. What dream project would you most like to achieve in future?
Well, we have yet to achieve this upcoming Ring Cycle! I would like it to be artisitcally and financially successful, for it to inspire participants and audience members alike, and I would also like it to act as a springboard for the careers of our cast, oh, and me!
5. What do you like most about Regents Opera?
Every show we do really feels like we are a family in it together.
6. If you could give one piece of advice to creatives starting out, what would it be?
Don't take "no" or "that's impossible" as acceptable answers. Also, make sure you have a good team around you, especially someone who is good with money.
7. Three pillars you shape your company by!
Wagner, Verdi, Strauss. If you're not into them, then you're probably not going to feel at home in our company.
8. Where can our followers support Regent's Opera next?
Well, we're about to do a big symphony concert at St John's Smith Square, which is a bit of a departure for us, as there will be no singers! It's going to be really exciting to do some symphonic repertoire as part of our fundraising and marketing efforts for the Ring. Tickets for that are available here:
But, that said, the Ring, obviously! York Hall, Bethnal Green, starting on 9th February 2025. Tickets from
We've also got our last Don Giovanni show on 10th November as part of the Wimbledon Festival. You can get tickets for that here:
About the Don Giovanni:
"As small-scale opera goes, few reach this level of quality across the board. I look forward to more future Regents Opera productions."