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Auditions View all

Keystone Opera Summer Intensive: Le nozze di Figaro (posted Tue 1 Oct 2024)

Opera – Masterclass/Course

Deadline: Sat 1 Mar 2025 (in 22 days)

United States


United States


Applications from

Soprano; Mezzo-Soprano; Contralto; Countertenor; Tenor; Baritone; Bass-Baritone; Bass


Fees to pay

Audition information

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Looking to take your career to the next level? Join us for an incredible opportunity to perform a FULL ROLE in Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro!

This is an EASY application with NO FEE. - You just fill out a short form on our website:

You need a link to a video of you singing an Italian song or aria. If you DON'T have a recording yet, you can schedule a Zoom call and do a quick live stream session so we can get to know your voice and level. We are also happy to talk to you on Zoom or phone and answer any questions you might have. We also will happily email back and forth with you. We know this is a big investment, and we want to assure you it is worth it! We are happy to spend as much time as you need chatting and having questions answered!

This is more than just learning a role — it's your chance to dive deep into character development and master Italian recitative with expert coaching in both acting and vocal technique . We also know that you are auditioning us in as much as we are auditioning you! So please don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions. We want to provide you with a wonderful experience that will elevate your career.

We think beyond traditional gender roles, and we NEVER EVER discriminate based on age, race or physical appearance.

Work alongside a skilled orchestra and elevate your craft to new heights. Learn a new part, or reprise and refine a staple role in your repertoire. Either way we are here for you.

Check out the roles we are are casting.
** If you're a transgender performer and feel your voice suits a particular role, regardless of whether it's higher or lower than traditionally cast, we encourage you to apply. Even if we haven't indicated it on the following list, we're open to considering all possibilities and aren't afraid to break with tradition if it fits within the overall cast. Your talent and fit for the role are what matter most to us!**

1. Cherubino
Voice Type: Mezzo-soprano (pants role) (We will also consider Soprano or Counter Tenor for this role)
Description: A young page working for the Count, Cherubino is full of youthful energy and infatuated with all the women around him. As a “pants role,” this is a young male character traditionally played by a female singer.

2. Barbarina
Voice Type: Soprano (we will also consider any Treble voice for this role)
Description: The young daughter of Antonio, the gardener. Barbarina is in love with Cherubino and plays a minor but sweet role in the opera, helping to move the story along.

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