Member Spotlight: Phil Wilcox - Baritone

By Audition Oracle – Mon 26 Aug 2024 @ 9:38


This week's Member Spotlight is giving a very warm welcome to British baritone Phil Wilcox.

You may recall that in the summer Phil did a fantastic job of taking over our social media and showing what it is really like to be an opera singer on tour. You can check the reels out on our Instagram. It's been an absolute pleasure finding out more about Phil and we wish him continued success in his multifaceted career.
Head shot of British baritone Phil Wilcox in the centre spotlight with a gold and midnight blue baackground

1. How do you describe yourself as an artist?

A portfolio career musician - a singer, instrumentalist and choral conductor - a joy-seeking performer with a penchant for making people laugh and feel something.

2. What other skills or passions do you have that help shape you as an artist?

Nature, walking up mountains, running through fields. I like to delve deep into a film/book/series, but I can't say that I'm a full on obsessive over anything - more a 'Phil of all trades'. I don't mind a bit of admin...that helps.

3. What has been the most memorable and rewarding experience you have had as an artist?

I can't single one out, but for me it's all about impact - the impact I have on a performance and the impact that the performance has on the audience.

4. What role, company or performing situation would be a dream come true for you as an artist?

In terms of opera, I just enjoy creating rounded, interesting characters...the ones I connect with best tend to be funny, approachable or vulnerable. More generally, the dream gig is to perform alongside shit-hot musician colleagues in a brilliant piece which I know inside out; to sing the solos, play the continuo and conduct - my Barbara Hannigan moment!

5. What do you like most about being a creative artist?

Flexibility, learning to be humble, patience, working alongside friends, and a certain amount of control over the work you do.

6. If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Learn at least two languages.

7. Three words that are the pillars you shape your career by:

Diversity, Skill and Joy (+ solvency!!!!)

8. Where can our followers support you next?

In the Autumn I'll be on tour with English Touring Opera performing in Rimsky-Korsakov's 'Snowmaiden' and also 'The Wellies', an opera written specially for SEND audiences - brilliant work with wonderful colleagues and very fulfilling performance situations to beautiful audiences all over the country. After that, it'll be all about Christmas - concerts, carols and oratorio!

Ticket links:

English Touring Opera - Autumn Tour


Opera Brava - La Boheme - Colline - Corfu


Baroquestock -Hampstead

Concerts with Istante Collective as part of the wonderful Baroquestock, Hampstead.
Bach Cantata BWV 56 - TBC Sunday October 20th and a Christmas Concert in December

Licence to Ceilidh

Countless Ceilidhs including some at the excellent Ceilidh Club (usually hosted at Cecil Sharp House) with the effervescent Licence to Ceilidh.

Fleet Singers - Musical Director

My community choir, Fleet Singers, is planning on performing Alexander L'Estrange's Wassail! in a concert including choirs from local schools in Gospel Oak.

Chanctonbury Chorus - The Creation - Soloist

St Andrew's Church, Steyning - Sat 7th December

Celtic Christmas

Tour of 'Celtic Christmas' with Santa's chief elf, Caitlin Downie.

Phil Wilcox website