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Opera Audition feedback from Audition Oracle Subscribers
We have been keeping you up-to-date with subscriber feedback over our social media networks. For those of you who avoid social media, here are a few testimonials for Audition Oracle: The source for Opera Singers and Auditions. Audition Oracle provides information direct to your inbox.
"I've been signed up for about eight months and have found it invaluable. I only get sent what I'm interested in and it's always clear exactly what's on offer, in terms of rehearsal and show dates, fees and venues. A well-run site. I've got a load of solo roles from going for auditions advertised on the site and have also been asked to sing in four or five other projects via my Audition Oracle Profile page. My profile page on Audition Oracle works well as a supporting website to my own one and it's easy for me to edit and for potential employers to read. It's reassuring that Melanie Lodge, who runs the site, is a working singer and knows the business. She's also very open to suggestions about how to improve Audition Oracle as the site grows. I made my money back in a couple of months and I regularly recommend it to other singers."
Steven East – bass-baritone
"Audition Oracle is a real essential when it comes to exploring work opportunities. The user-friendly nature of its clearly-formatted website allows the user to access a wide variety of job offers and audition possibilities, with some applications being completed at the click of a button. Excellent value for money!"
James Williams - Baritone
Audition Oracle has been a real asset to me. The website is organised, efficient and easy to use, there is also a huge choice of singing jobs being posted from all over the world. If ever you have a query the website is quick to help. I would thoroughly recommend this site.'
Katherine Steffan – Mezzo soprano
"I have been a subscriber to Audition Oracle for roughly 6 months and in that time it has enabled me to sing at a succession of auditions, which in turn have led to a steady stream of work over the next few months. Even the auditions from which I don’t obtain work are useful as the experience of regularly singing to panels is valuable in itself. From a purely statistical viewpoint, performers are less likely to get work if they can’t get auditions. In the same vein, auditions can be nerve-racking and hard to prepare for so you are unlikely to do well in them if you don’t have the regular practice. Oracle Audition fully provides this service, notifying you of plenty of opportunities each week."
Jullian Debreuil - Bass-Baritone
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soprano | mezzo Soprano | contralto | countertenor | tenor | baritone | bass-baritone | bass auditions