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Photo: Ben Reason

Elizabeth (Tilly) Green

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Elizabeth (Tilly) Green

Elizabeth (Tilly) Green Photograph

"Thankfully the performances of Elizabeth Green and Conall O'Neill transcended this, with Green as a strong Venus who rose to heights in her astonishing final scene." - Planet Hugill (2022)

BMus Hons Degree with First Class Honours and an Endorsement in Music Education with Distinction
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Elizabeth (Tilly) Green is a second-year postgraduate at The Royal Academy of Music, studying under Kate Paterson. Here, she holds the position of being a Josephine Baker Trust Scholar.

Elizabeth was a chorister at Rochester Cathedral and a founding member of the Canterbury Cathedral Girls’ Choir. During this time, she appeared on commercial recordings for Regent Records and Decca Records, the latter of which was both as part of the choir and as a soloist.

Elizabeth has performed as a soloist nationally and internationally, singing J S Bach’s St John Passion in Aachen, Germany, Bob Chilcott’s St John Passion in Rochester Cathedral and is a regular soloist for the Edinburgh Royal Choral Union. Elizabeth has also performed for the Seventy Chamber Choir and Thanet Festival Choir, singing Israel in Egypt, Messiah, Acis and Galatea and Trial by Jury. Her most acclaimed performance yet was being the soloist for Canterbury Cathedral’s Messiah.

Whilst pursuing her undergraduate studies at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and graduating with a first-class honours degree, Elizabeth had the privilege of being nominated for the Kathleen Ferrier Junior Bursary Competition as the only female in her year and was awarded third prize in the Molly Robb prize for singing. Elizabeth successfully auditioned for the Associate Artist programme at RCS under the tutelage of world-renowned Mezzo Soprano, Karen Cargill. She was also fortunate to receive a scholarship, enabling her to sing in the chorus of Le Nozze Di Figaro with the New Generation Festival. Further opera experience includes singing Papagena and Fiordiligi in the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland opera scenes. Elizabeth also completed year-long contract with the Scottish Opera Young Company as well as a workshop with British Youth Opera. Recently, she performed the role of Sandman in Humperdinck’s Hänsel und Gretel as a Young Artist for Westminster Opera Company.

Elizabeth has had many exciting opportunities this academic year, including; The Royal Academy of Music Opera Scenes, playing the roles of Yum-Yum (The Mikado) and Almirena (Rinaldo). Other operatic opportunities have included performing as Venus in Venus and Adonis with Hampstead Garden Opera, Emmie in Britten’s Albert Herring with St Paul’s Opera and performing Gertrud (Hänsel und Gretel) with Berlin Opera Academy under the Ian Donald Wilson Memorial Scholarship. Oratorio performances have included Haydn’s Creation with Luton Choral Society, Karl Jenkins’ The Armed Man with Lymington Choral Society, Bach’s B Minor Mass with the Waverley Singers and Haydn Harmoniemesse with the Furness Bach Choir.
Elizabeth is also in demand as a recitalist, performing at venues such as Cobham Hall School, Christ Church Kensington and Canterbury Cathedral.

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