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Happy New Year… and with it, a new website!
Fri 9 Jan 2015 @ 13:20
It’s been quite an intense few months putting the site together but we think we’ve got something really good here that will help you to find the work (or singer) that you want!
We at Audition Oracle have been listening to all the feedback over the past year and a half and have created the site to make it easier for the singer to search and access opportunities. We’ve also made it simpler for companies to find singers and publish auditions and opportunities themselves. We want to bring singers and companies face-to-face so that you can find the best partnership for you!
The advantages of the new site include:
- Having all your promotional media in one place online, in a way that you can edit it simply and quickly
- Making it easier to find work and investigate new artists on the move
- A comprehensive drop down menu selection, integrating information and accessibility
- A range of carefully chosen fields so that singers and companies will always get the information they need up front
- Control: Singers can choose to keep their profiles private and password-protected
Over the next sixth months will will be collecting feedback from users to add in further features and improve on existing functions.
We think this is a great step forward not only for this company but also for the way in which good professional performers can link up with hard-working arts companies. And to encourage you to join in the process, singers can try the service free for a month.
If you’ve got any question, you can probably find many of the answers that you want via the well-stocked FAQs page. In any case, if you want to know anything else then do get in touch via [email protected] or call 07838 101766. Of course, the new site is designed to cut out the need for superfluous email exchange – but we always like to hear from you!