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Too busy to practice for auditions?
Audition Oracle – Thu 9 Jul 2015 @ 9:30
How busy are you really?
Struggling to find time to practice, keep up with your admin and be proactive?
1. Streamline your time
Avoid Procrastination. Draw up a timetable for the following day. Make it specific so that you can enjoy ticking off each task as
you do it. The use of an app can work well as you can set alarms for your tasks.
2. Start your day with practice
Many hate singing at 9am but your body will quickly get used to it and then and no matter what else happens, those precious 30 – 60
mins can’t be taken away from you. If your neighbours are a problem, speak to your local church. You may be surprised at how many will let you use the space for free (perhaps in return for your occasional services as a singer to help them out).
3. Pick up the phone
How often do you send six emails to the same person,
sorting out details that would have taken two minutes to manage in one phone-call?
4. Once practicing, don't get distracted
Turn off your gadgets - phones, email etc. They will derail you from the task in hand before you know it. Or at least restrict the frequency with which you check your email… or Facebook!
6. Tackle the worst / hardest task of the day first...
Well, after your practice!
7. Use captive time
Listen to the music you have to learn whilst travelling, say
on the train - instead of stalking Facebook or twitter for the hundredth
time that day.
8. Invest a little money to save a lot of time
Spending lots of time trawling the internet looking for audition opportunities? For a small monthly or annual fee you can save a lot of time using to hunt them out for you.
Still struggling to practice? Make a time diary for a week and discover how ‘busy’ you really are. Remember, each day is a new day!